St. James 

pilgrimage route



Wesel lies at the intersection of the Way of St James in Westphalia and the Lower Rhine.

The Rhenish pilgrimage route no. 4 through Wesel: (Nijmegen - Kleve - Xanten - Cologne with Wesel as an additional stage Z2)

The Pilgrims' Way of St James through the Rhineland leads over 228 kilometres from Nijmegen to Cologne, a 2000-year-old route that covers the entire left bank of the Lower Rhine. A feeder stage gives Wesel access to this pilgrimage route and also acts as an interface to the Westphalian pilgrimage route network.

The pilgrimage route in Wesel begins on Martinistraße and leads to Klever-Tor-Platz (town hall courtyard, Way of St James stele) and on to Willibrordi Cathedral before heading towards the new Rhine bridge. On 23 October 2009, the Way of St. James stele at Wesel Town Hall was inaugurated. A hospital had stood near this spot since 1291, welcoming pilgrims travelling through on their way to Santiago de Compostela.

The Westphalian Pilgrims' Way No. 4 through Wesel: (Bielefeld - Münster - Wesel)

The route to Wesel describes the route from Bielefeld via Münster to the Lower Rhine, where it joins the Rhine routes to Cologne. The route, which is around 200 km long in total, is divided into ten stages, each 12-26 kilometres long.

Stamping points 

Town hall

(room 104, Klever-Tor-Platz 1)

Mon - Thu: 8 am - 4 pm

Fri: 8 - 12 am


(Großer Markt 11)

Mon - Wed.+ Fri: 10 am -1 pm, 1.30 - 17 pm, Thu 10 am -1 pm, 1.30 - 6 m 

Sat: 10 am -1 pm

Parish office Sankt Nikolaus

(Martinistr. 10 a) 

Mon - Sat: 9-12 am

Tue: 3-6 pm

Thu: 3-7 pm

Galerie im Centrum

(Ritterstraße 12-14)


Tue-Fri: 10.0 am -6.30  pm

Sat: 10 am -1 pm

Sun: 11 am - 5 pm

Closed on Mondays and public holidays


(Großer Markt)

Tue - Fr 2.30 - 5 pm

Wed + Sat 10-12 am

Eastern - end of Oct. add. Sat+Sun 2.30 - 5 pm