
06th to 08th September 2024

At the Berliner Tor, enjoyment and culture merge into a weekend in a class of its own

The KulturGenussKultur event, which was launched as part of the city's 777th birthday, takes place with a fantastic supporting programme.

For three days, local culture meets regional beer, wine and international street food with live music at the Berliner Tor and Sunday Shopping.

The event is made possible thanks to the support of Niederrheinische Sparkasse RheinLippe (Nispa).

Mitarbeiterbild der WeselMarketing GmbH

Rund um das Berliner Tor erwarten die Gäste lokale Brauereien, leckeres Streetfood und ein vielfältiges Musikprogramm.

Viktoria Kühnen


Viktoria Kühnen
Business hours
Monday - Friday: 8:30-14:00